
Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Tonight at Quest was one of those nights where I so fondly remembered how much I truly love and appreciate you. It's not something that often slips my mind, but tonight the realization hit me square in the face-- while you stood there in front of me and all of my friends, I beamed with pride that I am your sister. Duncan and so many of our friends often tell me of how different the two of us are... and I guess I do realize that. We are so drastically different, we butt heads occasionally, and there are definitely moments when we fail to see eye to eye, but despite the many things we just can't comprehend about the other, we have such an understood relationship as brother and sister.
Your silent moments of patience and your willingness to claim me, even when disappointed, always remind me of Jesus' faithful love for me. You don't have to brag incessantly about me for me to see that you love me so much. It's in your drives to the horseshoe to lend me money, your helping me carry my groceries, your pep-talks when I am overwhelmed, your silent disapproval when I make a bad choice, your unbelievable readiness to always forgive. You see me when I doubt myself and you always are ready to push me towards the seemingly unreachable goal.
Like the time I went to the lake with you and your friends this summer. Wake boarding? It was a task I thought I was incapable of achieving. But you wanted so desperately for me to try, and when I failed you encouraged, "just try one more time, you were so close!" When I finally got up, those moments above the water were so unreal. I was afraid of failure, but I am so thankful my older brother knew that I had it in me.
I know that a lot of the times, I can be sassy and a lot to handle, and that I really fail at showing you my appreciation and my love for you, but I just wanted to write this out for you because my heart literally overflows when I think of how well you love me. Never has there ever been a better older brother, so patient, so caring; I am beyond thankful for you. I remember growing up, I always looked up to my sweet Bubba so much, I cherish our memories and so many laughs shared.
I know that now you're twenty one and I'm nineteen, but to me I'll always be your sissy and you'll always be bubba. Lowery, Hollis and I are the three luckiest girls in the world to have you as our sweet brother. Thank you for always being there, for believing in me, for giving me every reason to swell up with pride when someone asks me, "Oh, are you Trey's sister?" I so excitedly have the privilege of saying, "Yes! I am!" Thank you for showing me Jesus through your constant love and care.

I love you so much.
Mary Chayse

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