
Thursday, January 10, 2013

"An endless cycle of grace"

We have come to bring you glory. That is my sole purpose on this earth. I glance out the window and rain trickles from the sky, a smile appearing on my face. You are showering Your grace on me. I am a cup and You are filling me up with your grace... only to be poured out, only to be made empty again. But when I pour out Your blessings on others, You fill my emptiness, yet again, with Your blessings. Your grace never ends! My cup is overflowing... an overwhelming joy has replaced a dark depression and everything in me wants to continually pour these blessings out... to share this joy!

Is this what You wanted all along? For me to learn this lesson of grace so that my cup-full does not become stagnant? I am called to live for you by pouring out again and again because that is what you came to do! Your last moments before death, You bent down on Your knees and washed the very feet of the men you were dying for. You, the King, came as a servant and so I will be a servant.

These hands are meant to wash the feet of those around me; I am called to share Your blessings with others, to be a blessing to others. Giving thanks for this unbelievable grace is not enough... I need to give grace away! I should want to graciously give grace away... without thinking I am due any appreciation. You are the center. If my eyes focus on you and my every action becomes a song of thanks to you-- the task of homework, of dishes, of everything-- my life will be abounding in joy!

Jesus, help me to stoop down low, to be a blessing to every one I come in contact with. Help my life be a song of thanks to You and the countless blessings you have poured out on me.

"It is more blessed to give than receive." 
                                 Acts 20:35 

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