
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Walk as Jesus did.

We are called to walk in love. To live as light. God is love... if we claim to know Him, then shouldn't we, too, be love?
"This is how we know we are in Him: whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did." 1 John 2:6
We are children, following in the footsteps of our loving Father. He has lavished us with love! How can we not love?! How can I be an imitator of Christ and not love my brothers and sisters? Even in hardships, even when we are constantly being put down by those surrounding us. Paul wrote to his brothers while facing persecution so that he could encourage them, love on them.

When we are in close relationship with our Father who is always faithful and loving and wise, how can our hearts not scream with joy and love... no matter what hardships press against us?

Paul says, "in all our troubles, my joy knows no bounds." (2 Corinthians 7:4) My joy knows no bounds! God comforts the downcast and Godly sorrow leaves no regret! It brings earnestness, it produces longing and concern, a readiness to see justice done!

I am ready to see justice done. I am ready to see the King whom the world despised, who poured out His life unto death, who carried upon His back my sin, my iniquities, glorified. Esteemed. The son of God interceded and was rejected by men, a man of sorrows, familiar with suffering.

Shouldn't I, then, be familiar with suffering also? If the precious King, Jesus, suffered for me, shouldn't I be more than willing to suffer for Him? If He was rejected by men as He faithfully walked upon this earth, then why should I expect praise? Why do I need approval? Applause? Jesus was pierced for my transgressions, and I am still running this race for the world?!

How ignorant am I? How prideful, how selfish? Jesus knelt down and washed the feet of those he came to save. Jesus touched the skin of those who needed healing. Jesus was wounded for me. It is the most beautiful love story ever to be told. Where I have nothing to give Him in return, but He still calls me beloved.

And here I am on earth, wanting friends who give me approval, wanting acceptance and praise. I look at my past and think how strong I am-- look, I have overcome! No. I am weak. I am the frailest of the frail. He has carried me. He has been my crutch to lean on. He is the only way I have made it through. He has provided me with breath today... air I don't deserve.
"O Lord, by your hand save me from such men, from men of this world whose reward is in this life." Psalm 17:14
Save me. My reward is not in this life. In the praises of men or the compliments of others. My reward is Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. He poured out and so will I! He walked in love and so will I! None of this is about me. It is all about Him. I persevere through this life to be called home. To hear those precious words, "well done." How I long for the day when I stand before my Father. When He wraps me in His arms. The King that loved the reviler, the Lord that rescued the broken.

Until then, I will walk in love for Him and rejoice in all that I get to endure. He is a reward far worth fighting for-- He fought for me. I will chase, every day, after my Jesus. I am His servant; He deserves the praise.

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