
Friday, September 21, 2012

The LORD will receive me.

I wish that I could magically fix all of our problems. I wish that we had a good relationship because I want nothing more than that. But I can't and we don't and this is the point that I have reached.

I could easily point fingers and say that you're supposed to love on me and build me up and that you're not treating me right, but that just makes me more frustrated and ultimately discouraged. I have been patient with you for so long, and I know that I am supposed to honor you, but sometimes it's hard when you are ashamed of one of the biggest parts of who I am. Sometimes it makes me feel worthless if you can't even accept me for who I used to be.

And I know I need to remember that while there is so much brokenness and pain in our relationships here on earth, there is one relationship that will never fail me. Jesus loved on me through my lowest point and continually accepts me despite my complete sinfulness. But it can be so discouraging and lonely when these earthly relationships are so strained. Sometimes I ask, "why me?" because I become emotionally exhausted and so tired from all of these burdens I'm carrying, but Jesus is persistent in teaching His lessons.

The lesson He is trying to teach me is faith. Even since the day that I accepted Christ, I have been hesitant to completely let go of the comforts that I cling to. But most times these comforts aren't good for us. Jesus sees us in our helplessness and tries to tell us to let go of the things we cling to that continually hurt us, saying "hold on to me, draw near to me." Jesus wants us to say of him,

"The LORD is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?" -Psalm 27:1

My Heavenly Father loves me despite my failures and He doesn't want me to be upset over those people in my life who don't. Why do I continually put my hope in people? In the approval of others? Instead of seeking the earth's approval, I will seek first His kingdom. I will throw off this weight of broken relationships. I will continue to find my way in the will of my Heavenly Father.

"Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me." -Psalm 27:10

Heavenly Father, I pray for your healing power on the relationships in my life. Lord, I let the disappointments of my relationships weigh me down far more than I should. I pray for FAITH to continue to walk in your path, and I pray that you would provide me with peace to know that YOU are my Father and that the brokenness in this world is to cause my soul to ache for my true home.

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." -Psalm 27:14

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