
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christ has set us free!

Breathe in the pain. Sit with your discontent. Absorb the anger that runs through your veins. Be still and know that He is God. Don't mask it. Don't cover it up and pretend like everything is okay. Sometimes life isn't okay. So hand it over to God. Hand it over to Him! Don't let your bitterness and anger hold you in bondage! Don't let your discontentment hold you back from the life that you truly deserve! Tell God how you feel. Be real with Him because He hears your every thought and He knows your every feeling.

If you carry these things inside of you, you will become weighed down, angry, and unmotivated. But if you open your lips and say, "Lord, I'm hurting. I'm angry and exhausted and I don't feel you in my life right now," His peace will surround you. Or, "Lord, it's hard for me to find anything to be joyful about; it's hard to even smile most days," He will open your eyes and reveal to you the multitude of blessings that are surrounding you. Wrestle with God, beg to see those blessings. Because they're everywhere.

If you carry these things alone, they will only weigh you down and do you harm. But if you hand them over to God, you will be free! You are free!

Thank you for the frustrations. Thank you for the pain, for the hardships, for making me a better person by undergoing them. Thank you.

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." -Galatians 5:1

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