
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Two weeks free.

With each passing day, I am shaking these chains clasped around my ankles.
They no longer bind me; I am a prisoner set free!
So undeserving, so unworthy, I am moved to my knees.
It's unbelievable and incredible; it makes absolutely no sense
That a Savior, perfect and blameless, would undergo a brutal death for my sins.

Again and again, I have chosen bondage when I was made to freely live.
I would not accept it, that me in my brokenness, He was able to forgive.
Shot down by the world, knocked down one too many times,
I sat there in my hopelessness; and on my wrist were those lines.
Those scars, those fresh wounds that mocked me and stared back, begging me to give in.
But the hissing of lies was drowned out by a comforting voice, drawing me to Him.

"You are more, you are perfectly made, you are loved, you have a purpose, you are not alone,"
He spoke right to my heart words I had heard before but never actually believed
I was filled with wonder, finally able to see that I had been deceived.
"I have not left you, I am right here,
I have been calling your name, but you chose not to hear.
You are my daughter, I have so much in store for you!
You are precious; so believe it! You have been made new!"
In my darkest time, His light still managed to shine,
He has called me worthy! I am His and He is mine!

The pressures of this world can be exhausting, leaving you empty and burnt out,
But Jesus calls out to us saying, "Come to the waters, all who are thirsty, come and be filled!"
You see, when you're in communion with Jesus there is no such thing as a drought!
His abundance makes up for our lack;
We are welcome to draw near to Him even after veering off track.
We are not worthy, but He chooses to see past our mistakes;
Our unworthiness is swallowed up by His love and His grace.

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