
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The beauty in the story.

Mary. Joseph. Jesus. And that is how the story goes.

We hear it every year, we sing songs about it, and then we continue on with our Christmas traditions in a hurry to get to our presents. But this year, instead of the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I decided to spend some time with the Nativity Story and I was enthralled with the beauty of the incredible story we so often tune out. I was so taken aback by Mary's incredible faith. To remain faithful to the Lord's will for her life despite the hateful words against her and the judgments of her. Faithfully, she said, "I am the Lord's servant. May your word to me be fulfilled." (Luke 1:38) She knew people would talk badly of her, she knew that it would wouldn't be an easy path ahead of her, nor would it be without any uncertainty and fear, but she took it as an honor and bore her purpose with honor.

And now, here we are. It's December 26th and you know what that means: time to put away the Nativity Story until next year. But why? Why should our amazement with this miracle stop after Christmas? Shouldn't we at least attempt to be mindful of it every day? Wouldn't that change our perspective of life... to remember how Mary was called unfaithful, dishonest... but took the task head on, saying, "From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name." (Luke 1:48 & 49) The day after Christmas does not mean that our enthrallment with Christ's unbelievable sacrifice should be any less. We should be enthralled every day. We should remember His humility.

There was no room in the manger... but that did not stop Christ! There may not be room in your heart for Him... but that will not stop the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. If you open up your heart and let Him enter in, if you let yourself become vulnerable with His abounding love, the Nativity Story will begin to feel new every time you hear it. It should melt your heart, that the Son of God would become man and be brutally murdered for your account. Because He loved you. He loves you. Every day He loves you the same. So, every day we should reflect on His love. Don't become calloused to hearing it. Don't turn a blind eye to the story's beauty.

Jesus, how you have blessed me! My heart is so full. A present under the tree could not provide me with this overflowing joy. Your story of humility, of sacrifice, of unbelievable love, Jesus, it gets me every time. Help me every day to soften my heart... to remember your beauty and your love for me. Help me to display that love to every single person that I encounter. Jesus, you have called me beloved. I just can't manage to figure out why but I am so so thankful. Thank you for your faithfulness, thank you for your love. Help me to be faithful to your call and to take it head-on.

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