
Monday, December 10, 2012

Victory in perfect Love.

Breathe in, breathe out,
Feel release as your chest rises and falls.
The light at the end of the tunnel, does it not make you want to shout?
Like despite all of the pain and the darkness, a greater purpose calls?
Hold unswervingly to that hope,
Let His strength enter in; let it absorb into your bones.

Get up, stand tall and firm!
Watch as the ashes transform into unbelievable beauty.
An incredible victory; oh, how the tables have turned!
Now I am rejoicing, thanking Him for this hardship, thanking Him for His love, thanking Him truly.
He calls me beloved; I am precious in his eyes!
How could that ever get old: that I am His prize?!

Spread this hope, tell everyone you can!
Christ has pieced me back together; His perfect love has brought healing to my calloused heart.
At one point, I wanted death, now He has given me joy to live again!
He hung on a cross, he defeated death for my sin.
His love surpasses all failures, surmounts all doubt,
It makes up for all my lack; His love has brought me out!

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